Sour Cream Veggies
Tittle says sour cream but there is none.

Let's Get Cooking!
- Place 12in frying pan on medium heat
- Julienne onions
- Add 1 tbsp of tallow to pan once tallow is heated add in the onions (stir to coat)
- Cut up green pepper into 3/4in pieces and add into pan (stir)
- Cut mushrooms into 3/4in pieces
- push mushrooms and green peppers to one side of the pan
- place 1tbsp of tallow to the empty side. Once heated add in mushrooms.
- Once mushrooms have started to release their water content cook for 1 more minute
- Mix all the veggies together and continue to cook for a few more minutes
- Add in Sour Cream & Onion seasoning and black pepper (stir in)
- Add in 3 tbsp of mayo and stir in (cook for about 3 minutes on low)
- Take off heat and Enjoy!